Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Freakin read it.

these are only thoughts that have just recently run across the bottom-line ticker of my brain...and thus, have been spilt upon the internet for you to enjoy(?)

People used to guilt me into reading the Bible.

"People in (Enter Oppressed Country Here) are persecuted for having Bibles; can't you read yours?"

I somewhat understand the logic. But this fact that people in Turkey are forced to have their worship services secretly--but gladly do--while I simply read a chapter and check it off the to-do list, what's this really saying?

We are so dang used to hearing about Moses and Jesus and Paul and Peter! We're so numb to it! It's become an encyclopedia.

"God's Instructional Manual"

What the f is that?

Can any other instruction manuals crush a stone heart? No, it's much bigger than a manual. It's an actual story. One with a plot. One with a climax. A Hero. A Savior.

I desire to read the Bible like a book, a book highly-recommended by a friend.

"What's this called?" I'd love to ask, "The Bible?"

"Yeah. Read it."

Then i'd dive in. No preconceived notions or biases or Sunday School felt board images or VBS skit memories to recall.

Just God. And His amazing love story for us.

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